Classic French Martini Recipe (Chambord co*cktail) (2024)

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Let’s talk about how our love of our French martini recipe Chambord co*cktail came to be.

We’re huge martini fans. In fact, after our destination wedding in Paris, we had a martini bar with our favorite martini recipes that ran down an ice sculpture luge at our happily ever after party.

On the martini menu was a classic dirty vodka martini, an espresso martini, as well as a French martini (in ode to our nuptials in France).

Our French martini co*cktail recipe is an easy recipe that creates a sophisticated co*cktail and is less boozy than traditional martinis, which makes it a great choice for large celebrations and holidays like New Years Eve.

Classic French Martini Recipe (Chambord co*cktail) (1)

What is a French Martini?

A French martini is a fruity co*cktail that is much sweeter than a classic martini.

Made with a high quality vodka, fresh pineapple juice, and also Chambord liqueur.

It’s a sweet martini, slightly boozy, and packed with raspberry flavor. Even if you are typically opposed to sweet drinks, we think you’ll like this amazing drink.

Classic French Martini Recipe (Chambord co*cktail) (2)

What is Chambord Liqueur?

Chambord is a French raspberry liqueur that comes from the Loire Valley in France.

It is made at a French chateau by pressing real raspberries and blackberries. The berries are combined with French spirits, and left to infuse.

After a number of weeks of this process, this fruity and smooth liqueur is ready for a fine strain and to be added to their regal bottles.

Chambord has an alcohol content of 16.5%, which makes this martini a lot less boozy than a typical martini.

If you are looking for an even lower ABV option, you could add a splash of champagne or some club soda.

For this co*cktail, you can pick up a beautiful bottle of Chambord Black Raspberry Liqueur, as well as your vodka of choice at Spec’s.

Classic French Martini Recipe (Chambord co*cktail) (3)

Equipment Needed to Make a French Martini Recipe

Coupe Glasses or Martini Glasses – If you’re going to make a martini, pretty glassware is a must. We love this couple glass set.

Classic French Martini Recipe (Chambord co*cktail) (4)

co*cktail Shaker – We swear by this leakproof co*cktail shaker. The top screws on so there is no risk of a spilled co*cktail when you’re shaking it up.

co*cktail Picks – While a toothpick will do, some fancy co*cktail picks elevate your at home French martini that much more. Cheers to being tres chic.

Classic French Martini Recipe (Chambord co*cktail) (5)

Garnishes for a French Martini Recipe Chambord co*cktail

Half of the fun of a martini are the fun garnishes.

For this co*cktail we made a sugared berry. Just dip the black raspberries in some simple syrup (1 part water, 1 part sugar boiled and cooled) then dip or sprinkle with some sugar.

We think it makes the berry extra special for the holidays or any special occasion.

If you don’t want to spend additional time sugaring the berries, you can just use a simple raspberry or blackberry on a co*cktail pick.

Other garnish ideas include a pineapple wedge, a luxardo cherry, or even a lemon twist.

Classic French Martini Recipe (Chambord co*cktail) (6)

The Best French Martini Recipe with Chambord

Prep Time: 2 Minutes

Serves: 1 co*cktail


  • 3 oz. Vodka
  • 2.5 oz. Pineapple juice
  • 1.5 oz. Chambord Raspberry Liqueur
  • Sugared berry, optional garnish


  1. Add all ingredients to a co*cktail shaker with ice cubes.
  2. Give it a good shake in the co*cktail shaker for 1 minute.
  3. Strain the co*cktail into a chilled glass.
  4. Garnish your martini or coupe glass with a berry.
Classic French Martini Recipe (Chambord co*cktail) (7)

Classic French Martini Recipe (Chambord co*cktail)

Yield: 1 co*cktail

Prep Time: 2 minutes

Total Time: 2 minutes


  • 3 oz. Vodka
  • 2.5 oz. Pineapple juice
  • 1.5 oz. Chambord Raspberry Liqueur
  • Sugared berry, optional garnish


  1. Add all ingredients to a co*cktail shaker with ice cubes.
  2. Give it a good shake in the co*cktail shaker for 1 minute.
  3. Strain the co*cktail into a chilled glass.
  4. Garnish your martini or coupe glass with a berry.

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You’ll love these other co*cktail recipes!

  • If you’re a lover of espresso martinis, you’ll love this Tequila Espresso Martini Recipe. It’s just like the crowd favorite but with more depth of flavor.
  • Making a seasonalco*cktail for the holidays? This recipe for an Apple Pie Drink with Vodka co*cktail brings out a lot of fall flavors.
  • Our Smoked Old Fashioned Recipe takes a classic co*cktail and elevates it with smoke, thanks to this easy, at-home co*cktail smoker. It’s on our list of 35 Amazing Whiskey Christmas Drinks.

Click this link to pin this delicious French Martini Recipe on Pinterest.

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Whip up this recipe or have a better way to upgrade it? Be sure to tag us on social media as @coupleinthekitchen and we’ll share it with our foodie followers!

Classic French Martini Recipe (Chambord co*cktail) (12)


Classic French Martini Recipe (Chambord co*cktail) (2024)


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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.