"to eat" in Spanish
to eat{verb}
comer- consumir- morfar- injerir- causear- jalar- comerse- manyar- manyar- morfarse- papear- papear- tomarse- yantar
to eat{transitive verb}
Context Examples
to eat[ate · eaten] {verb}
to eat(also: to dine, to feed, to grab a bite, to have)
comer[comiendo · comido] {vb}
Eventually, Europe must learn to eat to live and stop living to eat.
Es preciso que, por fin, Europa coma para vivir y deje de vivir para comer.
We are not here to dictate what European citizens must eat.
No estamos aquí para dictaminar lo que deben comer los ciudadanos europeos.
As consumers, we do not want to eat contaminated food.
Los consumidores no deseamos comer alimentos contaminados.
to eat(also: to consume, to drink, to take up, to use up)
consumir[consumiendo · consumido; consunto] {v.t.}
If we want to eat fresh produce, then it is impossible first to treat it thermally.
Si queremos consumir productos frescos, entonces es imposible tratarlos térmicamente.
Rather than consuming imported proteins, these suckler cows eat grass and use pasture land.
En lugar de consumir proteínas importadas, estas vacas lecheras consumen hierba y utilizan pastos.
Everyone has a right to eat products that may be slightly more expensive but are much healthier.
Todo el mundo tiene derecho a consumir productos que aún pudiendo ser ligeramente más caros, son muchos más sanos.
to eat
morfar {vb} [coll.]
to eat(also: to drink)
injerir {vb} [LAm.]
to eat
causear[causeando · causeado] {vb} [Chile]
to eat
jalar[jalando · jalado] {v.t.} [Spa.] [coll.]
When a newly eaten meal enters the stomach, your body sends signals to pull enzymes from other systems of the body to get to work immediately on digestion.
Cuando una comida nueva entra en el estómago, su cuerpo manda señales para jalar enzimas de otros sistemas en el cuerpo para ponerse a trabajar inmediatamente en la digestión.
to eat
comerse[comiéndose · comido] {vb} (enfático)
Our forefathers knew perfectly well that animals that had died of natural causes should not be eaten.
Nuestros antepasados sabían muy bien que no había que comerse a los animales que se morían.
he'll quite happily eat six eggs for breakfast
es muy capaz de comerse seis huevos en el desayuno
to eat sb alive
comerse vivo a algn
to eat
manyar {v.t.} [S. Cone] [slg.]
to eat
manyar {v.i.}
to eat
morfarse {vb} [SAm.] [slg.] (enfático)
to eat
papear {v.i.} [coll.]
to eat
papear {v.t.} [coll.]
to eat
tomarse {vb} (desayuno, merienda)
People's concerns about eating genetically modified food are justified and must be taken seriously.
La preocupación que causa a las personas la ingestión de alimentos modificados genéticamente está justificada y debe tomarse en serio.
to eat
yantar {v.i.} [arch.]
to eat[ate · eaten] {transitive verb}
to eat
picar[picando · picado] {v.t.} [coll.]
Context examples for "to eat" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
don't eat that, it'll make you ill — don't worry, I'm as tough as old leather
no comas eso que te hará mal — no te preocupes, bicho malo nunca muere
Politically mature citizens want to decide for themselves what to eat.
El ciudadano quiere - y debe -decidir por sí solo con qué se va a alimentar.
It is not necessary to torture animals if you want to eat them later.
No es necesario torturar a los animales si uno quiere comérselos después.
There are many reasons why people eat the wrong type of diet.
Hay muchas razones por las que los ciudadanos llevan un tipo de dieta equivocado.
How are the hungry to export food to Europe when they have nothing to eat themselves?
¿Cómo van a exportar alimentos a Europa cuando no tienen nada con que alimentarse ellos mismos?
We continue to feed ruminants and eat them in our countries.
Continuamos alimentando a los rumiantes y seguimos comiéndolos en nuestros países.
bread and gave it to his disciples saying: "Take this, all of you, and eat:
tomó el pan y se lo dio a sus discípulos diciendo: « Tomad y
We need to find a golden mean, so that we can have our cake and eat it.
Tenemos que encontrar el justo medio para no tener que dejar de tenerlo todo y tener que elegir.
In no respect is this, of course, a matter of prescribing what people should eat.
Le estoy dando un buen consejo,¡así que tome buena nota!
his timing is excellent: he always arrives when we're about to eat
es de lo más oportuno: siempre llega cuando estamos a punto de comer
Entire families have nothing to eat, for lack of decent incomes.
Familias enteras carecen de alimentos por falta de salarios decentes.
We must teach people how to run agriculture so that they have enough to eat.
Es preciso enseñar a las personas a gestionar la agricultura de manera que les permita saciar su hambre.
there were so many of us that we had to eat all squashed together round the table
éramos tantos que tuvimos que comer todos apretujados
We continue to feed ruminants and eat them in our countries.
Me pregunto qué dirían los ciudadanos si les preguntáramos sobre ello.
What we give animals to eat, we later find on our own plates.
Lo que damos a los animales lo volvemos a encontrar en nuestra mesa.
We can go onto the beach or out in our boats, catch a few fish and take them home to eat.
Podemos ir a la playa, o salir en nuestros botes, pescar algunos peces y llevarlos a casa para comerlos.
I realise that you cannot force people either to grow or to eat organic food.
Tras la revisión intermedia, los agricultores están buscando formas alternativas de continuar con su actividad.
Cows and sheep that normally only eat vegetable feed are turned into cannibals.
Hemos convertido las vacas y las ovejas, que en principio sólo se alimentan de sustancias vegetales, en caníbales.
There has never been such a need to reassure consumers that the meat they are consuming is safe to eat.
Redunda en interés del consumidor, pero también debería redundar en interés de la industria.
can you think of anywhere around here where we can go and eat?
¿se te ocurre un lugar por aquí cerca donde podamos ir a comer?