Obituary for Phyllis Schonebaum at Kotrba-Smith Funeral Home (2024)

Phyllis Jean Kirsch was born in Winner, SD, on October 6, 1931, to Joe and Tracy (Helmberger) Kirsch. As everyone knows, this was the “Dirty Thirties” and times were tough. Joe worked wherever he could find it, so Tracy and Phyllis were at home. Phyllis remembers her mother taking her to the cellar, hanging a lantern and shutting the door while she walked after the milkcows. The wind and dirt blew so bad you couldn’t see. Needless to say, Phyllis never liked to stay alone, and she was afraid of the dark.

Phyllis spent her childhood on the family farm north of Burke. She was the apple of her parent’s eye until she was thirteen years old, and lo and behold, she had a baby sister, Joann. So now there were two girls to share the spotlight.

Phyllis attended Burke Public Schools and graduated in 1949. She also attended a six week business class in Mitchell. Phyllis married the “one” love of her life Walter Schonebaum on June 14, 1950. However, on the eve of her wedding, Walt brought Phyllis home, and her Dad turned the yard light on and hollered out the door, “Girlie, you had better come in the house now!”

Walt and Phyllis were blessed with four children: Joseph Allen, Jerry Lee (Buzz), Joy Lynn, and Jeff James. They were married for 37 years, raising their children, working side by side in the field, raising Farmer Hybrid hogs and a top of the line herd of registered Hereford cattle. They had several successful bull sales but they did have their arguments. One of them was how many bulls to keep. Phyllis would say, “That one needs the knife!” Walt would say,” That calf is young and he has a good mother!” and Phyllis would say, “You better look in the other book!”

They had lots of friends, many card parties, and after a week of hard work, they still found time to go to a Saturday night dance in Herrick.

Phyllis, Walt, Stan and Joann loved going to bull sales and whenever Walt would buy a bull, Phyllis would say, “He just likes to hear his name over the loud speaker.”

Together Phyllis and Walt shared their faith and their work ethic with their children, and believe me, there was never a dull moment!

In 1988 Phyllis lost her husband Walt, in 2005 her son Buzz, and in 2007 her daughter-in-law Penny, all to cancer. In 2010 she lost her mother Tracy. It was a terrible loss, but her faith was strong and she was a survivor.

After the death of her husband, she relied on Joe, Buzz, Joy, and Jeff to keep things going. She had many health issues herself, but she would always say, “I guess I shouldn’t complain because I know there are many people worse off than me.”

As the years went by, her walking was becoming more difficult and she came to depend on Joy and Jeff to do almost everything for her. She always looked forward to visits from Joe and Cheryl, and Jo, all of her grandchildren and all of her friends.

Phyllis was past president of the Altar Society and was also on the church board. She served on the FmHA board, the Burke Hospital board, the Gregory County Election board, and worked at Fort Randall Casino for ten years. She loved the job because there were always people around.

Phyllis was a hard worker, a devout Catholic, and a staunch Democrat. Phyllis passed away on February 24, 2022, at the age of 90 years. She will be deeply missed by her family and friends. Her work on earth is done. Now she is in the arms of our Lord and there is no more pain, only happiness.

Phyllis is survived by her son Joe and wife Cheryl of Burke, daughter-in-law Brenda of Elk Point, son Jeff and wife Jo of Bonesteel, daughter Joy of Bonesteel, sister Joann and husband Stan Liewer of Burke, sister-in-law Donna Bendig of Bonesteel, 18 grandchildren, 47great grandchildren, 5 great-great grandchildren, several cousins and many friends.

She is preceded in death by her husband Walt, infant grandson Miles, son Buzz, daughter-in-law Penny, parents Joe and Tracy Kirsch, and brother-in-law Kenneth Schonebaum and wife Joyce.

Phyllis & Walt’s Legacy

Joseph, Jerry, Jeffrey, and Joy;

eighteen grandchildren:

(Joe) Joey, Traci, Jonathan, Kody, Kasey, Kiley, Kassidy, Kip, Klay,
and Kolt,

Jerry (Buzz) Brock, Miles, Jeri, and Philip,

(Jeff)Tiffany , Jim, Andy, and Mindy;

forty-seven great grandchildren:

(Joe) Isaiah, Kennedy, Miranda, Oliver, Elliott, Joey, Jonathan, Josh,
Jake, Skyler, Morgan, Schae, Finn, Ramee, Piper, Levi, Lainee, Jaxson,
Aspen, Jersie, Presley, Haylee, Caitlin, Riley, Kort, Kasper, Kaleb, and

(Buzz) Kaden, Karsen, Kinzlee, Nadia, Madelyn, Dashel, Merrel,
and Quinn,

(Jeff) Bridget, Gentry, Elijah, Jayder, Jacoby, Jazlee, Jeven,
Auzlyn, Walter, Mox, Krickett;

five great-great grandchildren:

(Joe) Leah, Kalan, Brynlee, Charlie, and Breyer.

* * * * * * * * * *

Funeral services were held for Phyllis Schonebaum, 90, on Saturday, March 5, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. at the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church in Bonesteel, SD, with Father Jonathan Dillon as Celebrant. A visitation and prayer service was held Friday evening at the church.

Music was provided by Roberta Witt, pianist, and the Immaculate Conception and St. Anthony choirs. Opening hymn was "The Old Rugged Cross." Offertory was "I Can Only Imagine" by MercyMe. Geoff Smith sang "Amazing Grace, My Chains Are Gone." Other music was "Song of Farewell" and "Precious Lord Take My Hand."

Lector was Bob Hausmann.

Altar servers were Brianna Davis and Sarah Spann.

Video presentation of Phyllis' life was made by Jeri Quiring.

Tiffany Bartling and Mindy Schonebaum were in charge of registration.

Casket Bearers were Brock Schmitz, Phillip Schonebaum, Andy Schonebaum, Jim Schonebaum, Klay Schonebaum, and Kolt Schonebaum.

(Phyllis' Casket was built by her son, Joe, with help from his boys Klay, Kiley, Kody, and brother Jeff. The trees usded were planted by Phyllis' mom Tracy in 1980 and destroyed by the Burke tornado of 2019.)

Interment was in Graceland Cemetery, Burke, SD.

Obituary for Phyllis  Schonebaum at Kotrba-Smith Funeral Home (2024)


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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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