Erin Burnett OutFront : CNNW : May 23, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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president ruto at blair house earlier today where the two had what was described as a constructive conversation on a number of topics, including climate. as for president ruto and biden, they deepen their commitment on a number of issues. democracy, global security, and commerce with the major overtone of this visit, wolf, the need to counter china's influence on the continent. and this sustainable commitment from not only american business, but other partners overseas wealth good luck, tausche on the scene first, kayla, thank you very, very much into our viewers. thanks very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in this situation room erin burnett outfront starts right now outfront next trump in the bronx, making a major play for

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biden's base. >> and biden tonight, fighting back hard plus >> plus blame the wife republicans piling on blaming supreme court justice samuel alito's wife as calls grow for alito to recuse himself from trump cases over these flags. and constitutional scholar laurence tribe, who warned the country about alito before he was confirmed all the way back in those confirmation hearings, you see him there. he's out front tonight and russia just cannot get enough of tucker carlson. they are now re airing his show on russian state television. >> let's go out front good evening. >> i'm erin burnett outfront tonight, trump bashing biden in the democratic party's own backyard right now we're going to make new york bigger, better and more beautiful than ever before. and that includes right here in the bronx that is happening right now, as i speak trump is at a rally in the bronx right here in new york city. he is ramping up a major

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effort to pull black and hispanic voters away from joe biden, voters who are crucial and to band whher he wins trump is holding this rally where you see him live now in cortona park and is a neighborhood where minorities make up an overwhelming majority of the population. 59% hispanic, 35% black, and top democrats from the bronx and new york state are slamming trump over the visit tonight. >> instead of holding a rally and cortona park, he should be apologizing to the people abroad for the damage he's done. >> you are cool. never, ever support donald trump for president. we know him better than anyone. >> all right, trump though season-opening. and here's why. let me show you harry anton's most recent analysis, the precinct around cortona park used to be as democratic as it could be for presidential elections. this was, this was a sure thing in every single way, 90 plus percent margins of victory 2008 to 2016, then a

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big change and a warning sign for democrats in 2020, that edge went from 94 all the way down two, 2609 percentage points if that trend continues, and cortona park and anywhere else across the country, biden is in serious trouble and a brand new poll out today also raises a red flag it says close to 30% of black voters saying they would vote for trump. now in 2020, trump only got 12% of that vote. so 12% up to 30, more than doubling. it is the margin that matters for victory. and tonight, biden is fighting back hard with the campaign ad reminding voters about trump's attacks on the ultimately exonerated central park 5 and new york of course, i hate these people. donald trump disrespecting black focus, nothing new. he was sued for refusing to rena's apartments to black families and calls for the execution of five innocent black and brown teenagers. >> now that trump campaign

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responded by accusing biden of trying to quote, glad gaslight black voters of christian homes is in the bronx tonight out front where trump is holding his rally. kristin, a place that a few years ago, you never would have thought you'd be standing at a trump rally here. there you are right now. what is turnout like? >> well, i will tell you, turnout is certainly much larger than the biden campaign would like, given that this is one of the louis counties in the entire country. but of course, as you said, she's coming as donald trump is making a play for minority voters, particularly black men latino men. that is something that we know that donald trump, one sees some opportunity with, but also two, as you showed in that recent poll link, there's some movement there and they really believe they can siphon off these minority voters from democratic groups. now the other part of this has been really interesting is donald trump himself saying that he please be york and play it is in play now i will obviously tell you that in 2016, he said the same thing, 2020. he said the same thing both times. he lost the state by roughly 20

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points or more. but donald trump is here for two reasons. >> one, we know that he's quoting minority he had to be here at least his team thought he had to be here. >> he was supposed to be in court today. they thought he was going to be in court through the end of the obviously that wrapped on tuesday, and they have land this rally for several months in advance, trying to go to various communities in areas in new york to keep them somewhat on the campaign trail somewhere somewhat surrounded by people who would be cheering for him while he was in all day long. but i will say he's been remarkably on message here talking about things that do matter to new york voters, talking about helping with infrastructure, helping with jobs and a number of people in the prostate before we even got into the rally and then rise there was we had people saying 23 and they were looking for an alternatives. >> many of them signing the economy. cygni felt like time for too hard and they were looking at seriously voting for

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david run errands all right. >> kristin, thank you very much. right up there, cortona park in the bronx. joe opinions out with fraught with me now republican strategist and former republican senate candidate here in new york, and the host of the truth with sherwood hughes radio show out of wisconsin. sure. what he was his back he interviewed president biden on a show last week. so sure. when you were telling me then that you felt trump had ignored the african-american community as president. and that that community is much better off now under president biden. but now, when you look at what's happening in the bronx and sure they had time to plan this. they knew they were going to make sure people showed up, but but people hello, are there this is one of the most reliably democratic districts in the country. and they're, they're listening to trump right now, those some of those voters, what do you make of it? >> i think this is nothing more than an exercise and political theater people that show up to rallies are not indicative of the people that are actually going to cast their votes. donald trump is not going to get the electoral votes in the

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state of new york in fact, the folks that are in the area of the bronx voted for joe biden, the like and 80 plus percent. he got joe biden got 80 plus percent of them vote in the area surrounding the bronx. but i think as the campaign goes on, and people are reminded of not just who donald trump is, but his whole cast of republican characters who they are, and the policies that they support are harmful to people of color, especially african americans, whatever the polls are saying right now, yeah, certainly going to go in different direction as we move toward november. >> all right. so joe so just another as the former president is speaking there in the bronx, he is he is sticking on message. here's something that he just said a moment ago doesn't matter whether you or whatever now it doesn't matter american and we're going to pull together as is this just political theater. well luck that i will acknowledge our to share wins point that this is an election year. there is a

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certain level of pageantry that goes into every election, both at the national level and at the local level. but it is no different than when joe biden goes down on to tulsa and talks about the greatest threat to america being white supremacy, even though he knows he's not going to get the electoral college votes of that state. he does it because he's speaking to a broader audience that they will be newsworthy, that he is trying to explain to black people writ large, that i care about you. and similarly here with president trump, what you see is somebody tried hi to say that the political calculus of yes, there has not worked, that he is in the poorest congressional district adjusted for actual income. and yet somehow you have democrats were more concerned with him being there in the conditions that people are living through public housing, where 80 billion behind and natural repairs and they have done nothing when we have arsenic dangerous levels in the drinking water in public housing and they have done nothing. so yes, there are plenty of arguments that democrats can make, but don't want to make them. they want to relitigate 2016 and 2020 in the hopes that people will not

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asieh focus on what's happening to them every single and what's happening every single day? sherwin and as kristin pointed out, right, she talked to people around that rally today. some work cited some wishy hadn't come right. what you would expect. but those she spoke to who were waiting for that rally and supported trump. >> here's some of what they had to say. >> i am a staunch trump supporter. 2024 more than any other year. i feel compelled to do it this year. >> trump is the best the only man cape with make those changes and he will make attention. >> it's donald trump, democrats destroying my city and we need somebody that i'm just going to hear the people's voice and trump's the people's voice sherwin. what, what's your reaction to that? they're willing to speak out and say it. they're there they are black and hispanic. >> is this possibly be a tip of a bigger iceberg this year? i find it rich than those individuals think that donald

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trump is going to be some, some kind of way helpful when he has appointed the fewest number of african-american judges to the federal bench when his policies have essentially gutted affirmative action, not just him, but the other republicans that support him, which i think gets overlooked because we're republic we're going to do is they obstruct democratic policies that really seek to have working class people, people of color and black people. but the republican party blocks all of that. and so when as african americans, when we look around our community and we see nothing but democratic elected officials and we see that the trajectory of our lives are not changing. it's easy for us to blame the democrats want to change direction? what the republicans are doing is making it difficult for democrats to put policies in place that can actually help us. and then they're having us blame the democrats when it's actually them in their policy agenda. >> so joe, right now, trump has been sticking on message as kristen said, and i'll let you know if that changes. but in other times, if he has talked about trying to win over black voter he has said because i am in a court case, because

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there's a mug shot of me. black people you connect with me. >> this is what he said and let me just play how he said it lot of people said that that's why the black people like because they have been hurt so badly and discriminated against. >> we've all seen the mug shot and, you know who embraced it more than anybody else. the black population, it's incredible. you see black people walking around with my mug shot. they do shirts does that mean how do you respond to that? what do you hear when you hear that? i look, i think it's a misguided attempt at humor black people not responding to the mug shots. >> black people are responding to despair and to my colleagues point, i would agree black faces in high places. i'm not going to be the salvation of black people policy, wealth. and so when i sit here in new york state, where we have close to 20,000 black students in the rochester public school system and 16,000 families have tried to hit the eject button and every single person represents him as a democrat and won't allow it to happen. i don't see

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policies is trying to move people forward. when i look at that as the civil rights issue of our really think he's joking yeah. i mean, i know he he he gets that there's humor in it, but i think it was pretty serious. i think here's the reality. the reality is that we have two men on the ballot, one person who thinks that sneakers and mug shots might help him, and the other person who thinks that he has the right at his big old age to tell me that if i as a black man don't vote for him the night no longer get to call myself black when appears to me that we have reached the point in time in our politics, we tried to whitewash away the sins of the non-black candidates when they offend the sensibilities of black america. but we agree with their underlying political ambitions. that becomes the issue here are more so than anything else. >> sherwin if donald trump was really interested in according the black vote, because quite honestly there's a lot of african-americans and people of color that do want something different because they're not seeing things change as quickly as they probably should. >> then why is he talking about gutting the affordable care act and that will take health care away from a lot of people of

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color, a lot of working class folks, and african americans. if he really was concerned about african americans, he will be having a conversation about reparations. he'd be having a conversation about how african-american properties in black neighborhoods are devalued simply because african americans live in those communities. i don't trump is never going to mention any of those things that could actually help because he is just engaging in political theater and trying to get us to blame the demo when it is the republican party, just trying to sow doubt in our elections. and we were not going to forget what happened on january 6 either. that also should be a warning to a lot of folks. >> i found again, there is a what you're talking about is a sensible, policy-based conversation about what is good for black people and what is bad for black people. we can talk about reparations, but there are many black people we just watched california come up with a blue collar commission to agree on a number that governor dan said they were never going to pay. and so what always seems like that old orphan annie, the promises come tomorrow as think we're going to have different issues that we care about. but ultimately, having the conversations in port and trying to slander

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either candidate, i think is where we get into a all right. you're ball of joe and sherwin. >> thank you both very much. i appreciate your being on with me and next, blame the mrs. republicans are backing supreme court justice samuel alito's excuse. >> as calls grow for him to step aside after flying too controversial flags my understanding his wife turned it upside down, at least in one case, i think it may have been espoused let's tens of thousands of iranians, making it clear tonight that they want more hardliners in charge after the sudden death there president, this is, we are learning the first details from the investigation into that helicopter crash. we will take you live to tehran tonight. plus china holding massive military drills around taiwan as a communist party threatens those who want independence with quote, heads bashed, blood in the face assignments are

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for free visit ai or download the app i'm natasha bertrand at the pentagon and this is cnn tonight blaming alito's wife, republicans coming to the supreme court, justice samuel alito's defense still pointing the finger at his wife after the new york times reported that the alitos blue, another different and controversial flag outside their vacation home a flag also flown by people at the capitol on january 6 that is now two flags outside alito's homes, embraced by january 6, insurrectionists. one of the many problems here is that alito has a history of playing politics according to financial disclosure reports. justice alito sold a large chunk of anheuser-busch shares, just as conservatives boycotted the company for using a transgender woman in an ad. he also visibly challenged former president

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obama during the state of the union justices are always keep play it straight. he shook his hand and mouth, not true alito accepted a luxury vacation from a billionaire republican megadonor, who would go on to add the cases before the supreme court. alito did not recuse himself from those. and the question now is whether justice alito should be on the bench to decide the two major trump cases before the court, which will make history one about immunity at the heart of the doj election interference case. and the other about charges against january 6, insurrectionists. my guess now is the constitutional law professor at harvard, laurence tribe actual, actually warned senators about alito during his confirmation hearing in 2006. here it is. >> i'm very troubled by his views obviously, it follows from that that i would be hard-pressed to recommend his confirmation i'm going to speak to professor tribe in just a moment. but first, manu raju outfront live on capitol hill and mano, you have been

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talking to pretty much everyone there about alito. and what are they telling you? >> hello the reaction has been mostly along party lines. yes, there are some republicans who are offering the mild as a criticism of samuel alito saying that he probably should have exercised better judgment, but they are quick to pivot and blame his wives aligning himself with what themselves, with what alito said. putting this on his wife, this upside down flag that was out side of his house. others are saying what mitch mcconnell, the republican leader told me over this week that they should leave their democrats have leave the supreme court alone. that was the words of mitch mcconnell democrats on the other hand, say that this shows that in their view, alito cannot be impartial and must recuse himself from these two key cases involving in january is set now, as i put this question to a number of republicans, they're making clear though that they are on the line and the sayyed of alito, listen i'd take that that's what happens when you're a public figure,

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whether in judiciary, the us senate probably not wise. that's a sign of distress my understanding my understanding why turned upside down and our countries under a little bit, not a little bit, a lot of that's for us right now as we speak. >> i mean, look, he's got a flag fetish. i mean, good good, good for the good for the supreme court justice now senate democrats do have a bill to impose a new code of ethics on the supreme court. >> but that bill passed the senate judiciary committee last july, and it's still has not come to the floor of the senate for a vote. oh, chuck schumer, senate majority leader, was asked about that built earlier this week, he did not commit to putting it on the floor, but said he would have discussions with the senate judiciary committee chairman dick durbin in the days ahead. >> all right. thank you very much, manu and i want to go now to noted legal scholar, the harvard law professor laurence tribe, and professor we just saw, you criticizing alito during his confirmation hearing, you were there and you were asked and you said you

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were, quote, troubled by his views. that was 18 years ago. what is your reaction now to these two? the second flag incident? now alito i don't know how many flag incidents we need before we can tell that justice alito should not sit on any of the cases related to the insurrection perhaps you shouldn't be on the court at all he's not just turned the american flag upside down, but in case after case, i'm afraid he's turning the constitution upside down. >> just today in a six to three opinion he essentially refused to agree with the district courts detailed findings showing that race was the dominant motive in the drawing of district leinz in one of the southern states the he's been very political and the flags that he flies even if he tries

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to throw his wife under the bus with respect to one of them, raise serious questions about whether he is signaling his sympathy with the insurrectionists and it seems to me that that's more than enough to explain why the senate judiciary committee under the chairmanship of dick durbin should begin hearings not just on imposing a binding code of ethics, because that's already been recommended by the committee. and i think chuck schumer's put it on the floor, but also about whether samuel alito really has met the requirements of good behavior. that's what these appointments are for. they're not for life they are under the constitution as long as the restless doesn't breach important elements of the oh, of neutrality and, you know, okay, so as part of this, it's important that you note that on

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the actual code of ethics to formalize it. >> but on this issue of people coming to his defense, and this has been republicans and obviously alito blamed his wife for the first incident he referred to her as mrs. alito and he said that that she had hung the flag upside down now, number of republicans are repeating the wife as the excuse. but others of them, professor and this is interesting, speaker johnson among them, senator tom cotton, among them, said that the second flag, the one not this one here, but the other one flying outside alito's vacation home? >> was george washington's flag. >> this one. so it's okay what do you make of that? >> excuse george washington was flying it as a symbol independence against president against the king george. >> the united kingdom. that's not what's at stake here the current context in

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insurrection, not against the commonwealth, not against the empire but against the united states of america. or even the nazi symbol. >> if you go back far enough think 6,000 years ago in india represented something else. but when a simple comes to stand for fascism or overturning the american constitution then you've got to own it. >> that's what he's doing and they're simply reaching reaching back to something which has nothing to do with the current situation. >> the swastika analogy is a powerful one is it does show right time the context of the time that you are in does everything when you, when you choose to use a symbol there are republicans saying that this is harassment by the left and senator thom tillis, as it's intellectually dishonest to criticize alito. and the reason he says that professor, i wanna give you a chance to respond, he says, look at comments made by other justices, including ruth bader

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there, ginsburg, it and to remind everybody, of course what she said was, i can't imagine what the country would be with donald trump is our president she went on to call him a faker, right? >> so it was clear where she stood politically in that instance is that different? well, i criticized her when she said that she was not. however, on the rampage politically against a certain set of ideas she had her views and they affected the way she voted likewise with scalia, you don't expect these justices to be sorted empty vessels, blank slates, but it's something very different when the justice becomes an active political player, the way justice alito did when he mouthed the words, not true during obama's state of the union message. and the way his been doing in defending in various very political speeches his decision in the

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dodds case to roll back roe v wade and to refer to 17th century thought thought that women were meaning source of ratio is barred as witches sorry, i think it's are cute and this conversation for now, professor it happens to us all, okay? all right. next tucker carlson is now all the rage in russia. his show even now airing in full on russian state television and tonight, tucker carlson is weighing in plus the man who got george w bush elected president is warning republicans tonight that rfk junior is going to help joe biden win. so what do the numbers tell us? harry enten is

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back in shape. absolutely free it's a scaled to 369369 even mackenzie in washington and this is cnn tonight. tucker carlson denying he has anything to do with russian state television re airing his interview show, carlson saying in part quote, this is completely absurd. i've never even heard of this channel but it is not absurd when you consider that carlsen has had no problem with russia's full embrace of him after his two-hour interview with vladimir putin was full of propaganda and free of pushback. matthew chance is out front with more on russia's latest television star in russia, russia, russian state tv tucker carlson's face. he's hard to escape that loud

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american journalists, they call him. he's conservative republican views please strike a chord with the kremlin, russia 24 from months now, carlson's online show has been airing on local russian show signs kremlin, which has silenced critical voices sees propaganda value and they live just have us biological weapons development with an american science and technology writer was ed in full sherman calls and tells cnn, he was unaware. the clips were being shown but for months, snack, kremlin has been casting tucker carlson he lost the job on fox news last year. mr. tucker, when as a truth speaking, american media star even be granted is very

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low interview. >> we go vladimir screamed at cinema across the country to much twice. >> he says another it's great to hear the opinion of our great leader. >> she adds tucker carlson isn't the only outspoken american celebrated by moscow but as woman marjorie taylor greene is also praised on kremlin tv earlier as gas as his republican senator mike lee both are staunchly opposed to us military aid to ukraine the position of course, shared by the kremlin the war in ukraine drags on. >> there are concerns kremlin propaganda and to ukraine pro russia is increasingly finding

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its way into the us political debate one republican congressman told cnn recently on the house floor and moscow's interests let's lies in bolstering those who it feels like at least in part, are you. it's skeptical. sometimes distorted worldview well aaron, it's not like all of these us figures are particularly popular inside moscow. and in fact, when it comes to tucker carlson, many of the people in the russian capital that we spoke to didn't even know who he was. we have to remind them that is the person who interviewed vladimir putin. now, the point is this that in this us election season, particularly the kremlin is keen to promote and support anyone. it sees as a potential ally and anyone who supports its narrative back to

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you, erin. >> all right. thank you very much. matthew. and also this hour death to israel, death to america. mourners screaming those chance today as a ron's former president, ebrahim raisi was buried following a three-day funeral ceremony, where tens of thousands of people lined the streets in multiple cities in iran this comes as the country continues its investigation into the sudden helicopter crash that killed raisi and the foreign minister of iran, fred pleitgen is outfront tonight in around the streets of mug shot, jam packed with people mourning the late president ebrahim raisi as a truck with his casket made its way to the imam reza shrine, one of the most important holy sites in iran hundreds of thousands of people have come out here on the streets of mug shot. >> this is really very much the political and the spiritual homeland of a right raisi and the people here her say, wild erin, great sorrow. they hope that iran continues down that conservative trajectory that

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was common brain, right? raisi's administration's the smith low him in power for three years. >> ebrahim raisi was a conservative hardliners crack down on protests against iran, strict hijab laws in 2022 but also the first ever strikes against israel from iranian soil in retaliation for the bombing of iran embassy compound in syria crowds at the funeral, screaming death to israel death to america. >> that to remain loyal, to read. partly agenda, not that 100% 100% this man says, these are all races and they will continue and this woman says, we have come here to say if they took raisi from us, we still have our supreme leader and we back in and we'll never leave him alone. >> mohammed we have always expressed our position towards the us.

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>> this man says, just like the policy of the president and the martyr qassem soleimani to struggle against arrogance we won't allow the arm of arrogance to go around the world will cut it down after raisi, iran's foreign minister hossein amir abdollahian and several others were killed in a chopper crash in northern iran on sunday tat ron says a new president will be elected in late june this week has been one of mourning culminating in the funeral prayers for raisi inside the imam reza shrine oh the body of ebrahim raisi was brought to its final resting place. iran is looking ahead whether it be us is toughest adversaries soon to decide its political future and friday, incredible that you were able to actually experience all of that. and i know you have some new information tonight about the crash itself, the helicopter crash. what are you learning?

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>> yeah, we certainly do it as a preliminary report now, from the investigative committee that is of course, looking into that crash. of course, as you know, and we've been reporting air and there had been some questions about whether or not this was really an accident, possibly due to bad weather, or whether or not there might be fouled play involved in all of it. well, the first preliminary report now investigators are saying that first of all, they believe that the pilot was not acting suspiciously suspiciously. he didn't deviate from the flight path and apparently and kept communications with the other choppers that were in that convoy as well. but importantly, also, it seems as though the investigators have also looked at parts of the records of that helicopter and decided and found out that there were no bullet marks on that wreckage and no shrapnel marks either. so it's increasing looking though as though it really was just an accident that happened, possibly due to weather on that mountain side area all right. >> thank you very much, fred, in mug shot around live here on cnn tonight. thank you, fred and next rfk jr. in his running mate practically strangers not

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all the same page on a lot of policy, barely campaigning together is it worth the money? plus breaking news, chinese warships and fighter jets surrounding taiwan, beijing now warning those who won independence we'll end up with their heads bashed and bloody the nba playoffs. >> i always get emotional. you more concerned about what's going on? inside the nba than what's going on inside a youth, you know, doc, you're right. and that's all the time we have. >> thanks for watching. are you cutting to a commercial western conference finals presented by at&t? continue on hey, with priceline vip family, you can unlock deals five times faster. you don't even have to be an actual family. >> i'd be the dad on the day physically, it's clear that i'm the dad. >> okay. so which data's pain? >> the darkness of bipolar depression made me feel like i was losing interest in the things i love. then i found a chance to let in the light discover, capitalize. unlike

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with a flavor for every feeling this stub fractions you up this stub winds down, this dark leaves up glowing, and this stub keeps you going. so whatever care you care about there's a dove for everybody. >> i'm kevin lived ttac at the white house and this is cnn tonight a top republican strategists warning, rfk jr. could swing the 2024 election to joe biden. >> karl rove writing in a wall street journal op-ed, that kennedy's quote, outlandish claims and it comes as major

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differences are emerging between kennedy and his running mate, nicole shanahan even mackenzie is outfront the next vice president of the united states nicole shanahan. >> nicole shanahan is not a familiar name in national politics we've got this. >> and before choosing her as his running mate independent presidential candidate robert f. >> kennedy jr. didn't appear to know her either as recently as a year ago. i really didn't think much of bobby kennedy because i didn't know much about him. >> still, i'm confident that there is no american more qualified. and nicole shanahan to play this role. >> now after a series of interviews meant to introduce these silicon valley lawyer to voters, some key compatibility questions have been raised as well, such as are shanahan and kennedy aligned on abortion? >> wouldn't leave it to the states, right? oh, i would say completely it's up to you

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should leave it to the woman. >> but in an interview with the sage, still show podcast this month, shanahan seemed unclear about where the top of the ticket stance my understanding is that he absolutely believes central limits on on abortion. kennedy supports abortion limits up to fetal viability, which experts say occur between 23 to 24 weeks. shanahan has shown support for federally restricting abortion between 15 and 18 weeks and where does the duo stand on? israel's war with hamas? kennedy has been unflinching in backing israel. >> i would continue aid israel's it a defensive war. it's not a war of choice. while shanahan has there's engaging in something in the middle east that was not very well-planned, both republicans and democrats have pounced on

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the relatively unknown independent saying the wealthy california native was only picked for her pocketbook. >> she's more liberal than junior by far, not a serious person and only a pot of cash to help her get her? no chance candidate on the ballot. >> the new york times ford shanahan received around $1 after recently divorcing google co-founder sergey brin, the threat of a third party effort with deep pockets as prompted democrats to target kennedy's campaign over concerns he could hurt biden's reelection chances it's more looking like she's more like a checkbook in this situation because she is she was only involved really when he needed to get on the ballot in april that kennedy campaign raised more than $10 but some 8 million of that hall came directly from shanahan as the pair seeks to forge a path together. on the campaign trail and aaron, the campaign acknowledging kennedy and

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shanahan do in fact differ on abortion. but telling me in a statement, in part, both are aligned with the emerging national consensus of no restrictions up till a certain point and restrictions there after meanwhile, i'll kennedy continues to have a strong showing in the polls for a third party candidate in the latest marquette poll kennedy getting 17% behind trump's 40%, and biden's 37%. >> aaron, are eva. thank you very much. so let's go beyond numbers with harry enten. so harry this, this is crucial let's whole conversation. rfk junior is going to speak at the libertarian convention tomorrow. trump is also speaking at the libertarian convention, both going after those votes. obviously, how does rfk jr. do with people who maybe last time around didn't find a candidate. >> yeah, those who are disenchanted it did with the two major parties, right? those who didn't vote for biden or trump, or didn't actually even cast a ballot back in 2020.

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look at who those folks are supporting right now, what you essentially has a have as a two-person race with rfk jr. at 37% and donald trump at 30%. joe biden way back at 12%. and i think this gives you an indication of why both of them i'm are going to that libertarian convention. they both believed that they can appeal to third parties those folks who support third parties, and essentially say those people who are disenchanted with the system, rfk wants to be there guy, but donald trump also wants to be there guy. >> it's very interesting, 37% of the people who sat out last time, okay so karl rove, i shared part of that op-ed. he said rfk junior is going to take more votes from trump. obviously, we've heard i've heard this argued every which way to sunday, what are the numbers tell you? yeah. at this particular point, it does look like rfk junior is going to take more votes away from trump than joe biden. but it's not a landslide or and i think that's the important thing here. if you look at the latest quinnipiac university poll, which you see is that the folks who support rfk jr. in the 3y1 three-way, when you squeeze it down to a two-way, you see that donald trump wins 51% of them.

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joe biden wins 37%. now again, that's not a landslide, but it's something that could matter in a tight election, right? it's the type of thing that could make the difference if rfk junior is in fact stays in the race and continues to pull those sayyed person eva was talking to. >> that's right. especially in states that had what, 10,000 vote margins, arizona and georgia were looking at you, nicole shanahan eva was going through some of the policy differences there. she is one of his only donors actually, not just a huge one, but maybe one of the only yeah if we look at the campaign committee, if we look what percentage of the donors last month one of the money that came in came from her. >> we're talking about north of 70%. you see that 74%. but if you look at the american values, 2024 super pac, timothy mellon, who's a billionaire who also donates to a lot of pro trunk causes 81% of the money came from him. so the fact is most of the money for for kennedy is coming from two people that's really fascinating on so many levels, these local traditions you're going to be a small money guys speaking for the small people.

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but in fact, it's for the large donors that are for him. >> all right. harry, thank you very much. and next breaking news, china now warning those and taiwan could end up with bloody and bashed heads. as china's circles taiwan with warships and fighter jets assignments are going the tornado here you cannot outs one this. you cannot outrun it. >> it really. >> is a terrifying experience. >> it is the stuff of nightmares. >> you just hear and feel it nick eyes and my throat or burning. i'm thinking i'm going to die and that was it. >> earth with we have shriver premieres june seconded nine on cnn today at america's beverage companies are bottles might still look the same but they can be remade in a whole new way thanks to you. we're getting bottles back and we've developed a way to make new ones from 100% recycled plastic

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gentlemen, it's a beautiful... to fly. sign-up so for free visit ai or download the app. >> anderson cooper 360 next on cnn breaking news, china's surrounding taiwan with dozens of fighter jets and warships. a massive show of force they say

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as punishment for taiwan swearing in a new president you can had often yesterday, all separatist forces for taiwan independence will have their heads bashed bloody in the face of the historical trend of china's complete reunification i'm sure heads bashed bloody taiwan now, shoring up its defenses as the threat of a full-scale chinese invasion looms, working to build its own vision of elon musk's starlink satellite system without musk's help, will ripley is outfront deep beneath the waters around taiwan, a fragile digital lifeline. some call shockingly vulnerable to a chinese attack. >> 15 undersea internet cables connecting taiwan to the rest of the world, vital strategic assets and potential military targets cut the cables you cut off the internet plunging 24

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million people into digital darkness, leaving this island democracy dangerously exposed elon musk spent years and billions developing starlink using low orbit communication satellites to provide high-speed internet. >> here in taiwan, people have plenty of reasons to doubt the reliability of starlink. >> elon musk controls it and he has deep business ties with china in september, musk made comments seen as signing with beijing over taipei, or policy has been to serve re unites, firewall of china from this endpoint maybe this values to hawaii taiwan's foreign minister quickly fired back posting on hi one is not part of the people's republic of china, and certainly not for sale. >> three to protect itself,

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taiwan is turning to space, investing billions to develop and launch its own low orbit communications satellites to ensure uninterrupted internet connectivity in times of crisis, a program spearheaded by ooh zhong chin, director general of tasa taiwan's space agency, the communication center ai is very important for our communication resilience during urgent period starlink, developed by spacex, crucial in conflict zones like ukraine and gaza. tasa is racing to develop a similar system in space, the satellite you're developing, if the internet or the communication leinz were cut and taiwan could go into the dark right? now, write out this and we take it very, very civil a chilling case study of taiwan's digital vulnerability on its outlying matsu island's last year, taipei accused to chinese ships of severing underwater cables without providing direct evidence. the

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only backup sluggish microwave radio transmission. isolated islands putt off from the outside world taiwan is cooperating with nasa in the us accelerating its space program in the face of rising threats, china is rising up in space. in space. >> there's no country. >> the vision or there's no boundary and back on earth rising cross-strait tensions, adding urgency to taiwan's space race these military drills happening right now around taiwan underscore just how urgent of a project this is for taiwan because any of the war ships that are sailing around theoretically could cut the internet cables, which would result in a island-wide communications blackout, which could of course, we can taiwan be a precursor? sir for a blockade or an invasion. i mean, these are the scenarios that they are

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