Bonzz's Seed's of Destruction Progression(Oceangreen) Page! (2024)



This page reveals how to properly progress with the Seeds of Destruction expansion and more specifically, the Oceangreen "theme," to include the raid access.

As far as proper progression goes, this is the first (1st) series of progression tasks, but they do not have to be accomplished in the intended sequence. Whatever order you do them, each completed task series will flag you for the next version of The Void, whatever that may be for you.

From The Void, you can go into different "themes" where there are multiple zones. Each set of zones (aka "themes") has its series of progression related tasks / missions / raids.

These various tasks / missions / raids award flags that allow you to either request missions, request raids, gain an item piece for the over all progression item (Timeshear) or flag you so that you can obtain certain merchant sold items, like Rank III spells.

As you may have noticed, The Void (A) is in ruins… objects float all about on the outer fringes and it generally looks pretty decimated. Your goal is to undertake tasks/missions to "reverse" this decimation (accomplished a step at a time in each "theme"). Upon completing each theme's "progression," you will be flagged to enter the "next" The Void, where you will notice things have improved somewhat. This will be true each time, no matter which theme's progression sequence you complete first.

Zebuxoruk (Level 90) will offer (sell) more and different items in each version of The Void.

NOTE: This progression ties in with mercenaries. The more you have progressed, the higher level of mercenaries you are offered and / or can purchase.

NOTE: These task series intertwine heavily with the task series for Bayle's Heraldic Crest, the Timeshear the Blood of the Fallen, Baron Yosig's Skeleton and the Dark Soul Crystal. Many of the tasks from these series can be accomplished simultaneously.


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Summary Execution

1) OCEANGREEN HILLS: If you try zoning into Old Blackburrow, you may find that you are not allowed to do so.

This is because you either need a task that takes place in Old Blackburrow, or you need to have acquired the flagging that allows you into Old Blackburrow.

So, the simple way to get into this zone is to get one of the several tasks that require you to go to this zone.

Most of these tasks are handed out by the NPC's in the gnoll (Darkpaw) camp, to the southwest.


2) For permanent access (flag), you need to find Bracka Darkpaw (Level 77), at the gnoll camp mentioned above.

Hail him and follow along, or just try saying, "Hunt," to get the task called, Summary Execution."


3) OLD BLACKBURROW: Now head into this zone (you can get in now).

You are here to kill five (5) "wrext mal" and "twisted" gnolls.

This task is also part of another quest series and is described more in depth, here.


4) OCEANGREEN HILLS: Head back to Bracka Darkpaw.

After hailing him to finish this task, you will also be flagged to enter Old Blackburrow at any time, task or no task.

FLAG ALERT!: Permanent access to Old Blackburrow.




A Corrupted Arch Priest A Dread Challenger A Secret Hidden in Plain Sight Beat the Blackburrow Boss Disrupting the Ritual

Familiarity is Key Freedom! Invading the Invaders Man the Defenses No Cure for Death

Remove the Head and the Disease Will Die Send the Message Stop the Contamination The Bubonians are Coming! What Evil Lurks in the Hearts of Gnolls?


1) OCEANGREEN HILLS: To get here, you had to go through The Void (A).

This is noted just to clarify that The Void (A) is universal access (no flagging).


2) Basically, the tasks/missions that give you "timeshear" items are progression-related missions, in a manner of speaking.

First up, you want to go find Sergeant Bronal Cadran (Level 75).

You need to accomplish his two (2) tasks, in order (the first one flags you for the second one).

The tasks are called, "Man the Defenses" and "No Cure for Death."

These tasks are necessary, because completing both tasks flags you so that you can get the next task, below.

These same two (2) tasks are also part of another task series, described in greater detail here.

FLAG ALERT!: Task access with Captain Hiran Tillin!




3) Now go find Captain Hiran Tillin (Level 80).

He is on the second floor in the fortress near the zone to The Void.

Hail him and follow along, or just try saying, "Work," to get the task called, "Familiarity is Key."

Cut and paste to your "oceangreenvillage_2.txt" file:

P 893.0000, 2513.0000, 0.0000, 0, 127, 0, 3, The_Ruins

P -101.0000, 2957.0000, 0.0000, 0, 127, 0, 3, 1st_Pit

P 137.0000, 2974.0000, 0.0000, 0, 127, 0, 3, 2nd_Pit

P -488.0000, 2669.0000, 0.0000, 0, 127, 0, 3, Town_Square

P -608.0000, 2743.0000, 0.0000, 0, 127, 0, 3, Inn

P -518.0000, 2380.0000, 0.0000, 0, 127, 0, 3, Smithy

P -484.0000, 2883.0000, 0.0000, 0, 127, 0, 3, Southwest_Update

P -320.0000, 2801.0000, 0.0000, 0, 127, 0, 3, Southeast_Update

P -600.0000, 2482.0000, 0.0000, 0, 127, 0, 3, Northwest_Update

P -338.0000, 2553.0000, 0.0000, 0, 127, 0, 3, Northeast_Update


4) OCEANGREEN HILLS: You are here to get several explore updates.

Cut and paste the locations (see Step 3) to your map file for ease.

Basically, you need to explore the ruins in the southwest, then run east through both pits and then basically go into just about every building in the village to get all the updates.


5) OCEANGREEN HILLS: Head back to Captain Hiran Tillin.

Hail him to finish the task, "Familiarity is Key."

You can now claim your rewards, to include a Timeshear Purple Fragment Geza (Magic, Lore, Weight 0.0).

You need to hang on to this, or sell it to Tavid Dennant (formerly known as Flavin Deepockets) (Level 80) in the Guild Lobby (where you can buy it back later, when you actually need it).

Completing this task will now flag you to be able to request the first group mission from Captain Hiran Tillin.

FLAG ALERT!: Mission #1 access with Captain Hiran Tillin!




6) Now get a decent group together. It will be very beneficial if you have a tracker, reasonable DPS, a decent tank and a good healer.

Hail Captain Hiran Tillin and follow along, or just try saying, "Work," to get the group mission, "Stop the Contamination."

Then turn to Acolyte Koel (Level 75), who is right there, and hail him for a task update and to be teleported into an instanced zone.



You will appear at the "town square" area.

Nearby you should see Billik Broadwake (Level 80).

When you are ready, simply hail him to start the event.


8) Once the event is activated, you basically need to aggro and kill any MOB's that attack the villagers.

If you die or too many villagers die, you loose the event.

The villagers will fight and they will also emote when they are engaged in battle (so you do have some indication of when MOB's are on the attack).

The MOB's spawn in waves (5 minutes or less apart... and there are ten to twelve waves) and there are usually two (2) MOB's per wave (all Level 71 to 80). They seem to spawn mostly by the beach and on the outer south and north edges of the village (by rocks and bushes).

When I did this, a "loot" MOB spawned near the water about half-way through the event (in my case, A Bentwing Plaguefly).

Also, when I did this, there were no other "named." However, current reports are that the last wave now consists of Jarlin the Scarred (Level 77, who will change into wolf form at about 50%) and Zeralin the Diverge (Level 77, who will change to an ice golem at about 50%).


9) Once you have defeated all the waves and gotten the task update, say "Keep" to Billik Broadwake, to zone out.


10) OCEANGREEN HILLS: Head back to Captain Hiran Tillin.

Hail him to finish the mission, "Stop the Contamination."

You can now claim your rewards, to include a Timeshear Purple Fragment Heda (Magic, Lore, Weight 0.0).

You need to hang on to this, or sell it to Tavid Dennant (formerly known as Flavin Deepockets) in the Guild Lobby (where you can buy it back later, when you actually need it).

Completing this task will now flag you to be able to request the second group mission from Captain Hiran Tillin.

FLAG ALERT!: Mission #2 access with Captain Hiran Tillin!




11) Hail Captain Hiran Tillinand follow along again, or just try saying, "Work," to get the group mission called, "A Dread Challenger."

Then turn and hail Acolyte Koel (Level 75), who is right there, and hail him for a task update and to be teleported into an instanced zone.


12) OCEANGREEN VILLAGE: A DREAD CHALLENGER: This is an instanced zone.

You will appear at the "town square" area.

Nearby you should see Billik Broadwake.

When you are ready, simply hail him to start the event..


13) Once the event is activated, again, you basically need to aggro and kill any MOB's that attack the villagers.

If you die or too many villagers die, you loose the event.

The villagers will fight and also emote when they are engaged in battle (so you do have some indication of when MOB's are on the attack).

The MOB's spawn in waves (5 minutes or less apart... and there are ten to twelve waves) and there are usually three (3) MOB's per wave (all Level 72 to 80). They seem to spawn mostly by the beach and on the outer south and north edges of the village (by rocks and bushes).

When I did this, a "loot" MOB spawned near the water about half-way through the event (in my case, A Stench Flesh Golem).

Also, when I did this, there were no other "named." However, current reports at about the middle wave, Nacakehoth the Reviled (Level 76, undead) appears and he summons adds (An Ooze-Bloated Deathcap), to help him.


14) Once you have defeated all the waves and gotten the task update, say "Keep" to Billik Broadwake, to zone out.


15) OCEANGREEN HILLS:Head back to Captain Hiran Tillin.

Hail him to finish the mission, "A Dread Challenger."

You can now claim your rewards.

Completing this task will now flag you to be able to request the first raid mission from Lord Antonius Bayle (Level 85).

FLAG ALERT!: Raid access with Lord Antonius Bayle!




16) Now head back to the Gnoll (Darkpaw) camp in the southwest part of the zone.

You are looking for Elder Mystic Foppye (Level 75).

Hail him and follow along, or just try saying "Help," to get the task called, "Invading the Invaders."

In the same camp, look for Fripp Darkpaw (Level 77).

Hail him and follow along, or just try saying, "Help," to get the task called, "Send the Message."


17) OLD BLACKBURROW: Both tasks (see Step 16) take place in this zone.

These two tasks are involved in another task series are outlined in greater detail here.

Basically, they involve collecting four (4) Wrext Mal Insignia (Magic, No Trade, Weight 0.1), looting a Severed Gnoll Finger (Lore, No Trade, Weight 1.5) (they drop six at a time off most named), killing twelve (12) "gnolls" and killing twenty (20) "feral" gnolls. Most kills will get you credit for both tasks at the same time.

NOTE: While you are here, you also need to loot a Wrext Mal Sacrificial Blade (Magic, lore, No Trade, weight 0.1, Effect: Use Ability), which you will need later.


18) OCEANGREEN HILLS:Head back to the Darkpaw camp.

Turn in the four (4) Wrext Mal Insignia to Elder Mystic Foppye and to finish the task, "Invading the Invaders."

Turn in the Severed Gnoll Finger to Fripp Darkpaw and finish the task, "Send the Message."

These two tasks, along with "Summary Execution" (see the Old Blackburrow section, above) will now flag you so that you can get the group missions from Raxtor Darkpaw (Level 76), here in this same camp.

FLAG ALERT!: Mission #1 access with Raxtor Darkpaw!




19) Hail Raxtor Darkpawand follow along, or just try saying, "I can help, yes," to get the group mission, "Freedom!"

NOTE: If he will not give you the task, it is possible you may still need to do "What Evil Lurks in the Hearts of Gnolls?," which is part of another task series, described in detail here.


20) OLD BLACKBURROW: FREEDOM!: This is an instanced zone.

You are here to accomplish the following steps:

· Find and kill Grand Mystic Kegrak (Level 77) (he roams the area of the waterfall) and loot Orders from Grohlok the Tyrant (Magic, Lore, No Trade, Weight 0.0), for a task update;

· Then free eight (8) A Captured Darkpaw Pup (Level 74) for a task update; This is accomplished by killing the An Enraged Gnoll Slaver (Level 76) that guard the Pups. A tracker will be handy to find them, but basically they are the area of p400, n311, n57 and p82, n278, n69 (snake area);

· When you free the last A Captured Darkpaw Pup, Grohlok the Tyrant (Level 79) will spawn nearby (area of p101, n140, n69);

· You need to kill him. During the fight, at 50% to 70%, he will become invulnerable and summon an add (random type it seems, Level 74 to 76); about a minute later he will regen to full health and aggro again; Then at around 30% he will again become invulnerable and summon another add; about a minute later he will again regen to full health and aggro; the third time around you can finish him off.


21) OCEANGREEN HILLS:Head back to Raxtor Darkpaw.

Hail him to complete the mission, "Freedom!"

You can now claim your mission rewards, to include a Timeshear Purple Fragment Dena (Magic, Lore, Weight 0.0).

You need to hang on to this, or sell it to Tavid Dennant in the Guild Lobby (where you can buy it back later, when you actually need it).

This will flag you for the second mission he offers.

Hail him and follow along again, or just try saying, "Help," to get the group mission, "Beat the Blackburrow Boss."

FLAG ALERT!: Mission #2 access with Raxtor Darkpaw!




22) OLD BLACKBURROW: BEAT THE BLACKBURROW BOSS: This is an instanced zone.

The first task update is simply coming to this zone.

Cut and paste to your "oldblackburrow_2.txt" map file:

P 496.0762, -246.1149, -178.4920, 240, 0, 0, 2, Door_to_Hidden_Area

P -211.2070, -199.4646, -108.1535, 0, 0, 0, 3, Blocked_Door

You are also here to do the following:

  • Get a location update by finding the blocked pathway (blocked by an invisible "ward"), in the area of n78.40, n368.88, n34.01 (you will be knocked back and get the update);
  • Two (2) people in your group need to loot a Blackburrow Runestone (Lore, No Trade, Weight 1.5, Effect: Use Ability), which drop off any gnoll with the word "Gnarl" in it's name (Level 76);
  • Go back to the blocked pathway and the two players that looted a Blackburrow Runestone both need to stand as close as possible to the blocked location (but not so close that they get knocked back); Then, at the same time, each player needs to click their Blackburrow Runestone to remove the "ward" that is blocking the path (task update);
  • NOTE: If you are not close enough, you will get an emote telling you such, when you click the Blackburrow Runestone;
  • Just up the path, in a side room, is Clan Chief Vel`tix (Level 81) and two (2) A Burly Gnoll (Level 76); All three (3) are leashed to the room; You will likely have to fight all three (3) at the same time, unless you have some talented leash pulling (pull, use leash to split and keep one just far enough away so it doesn't leash back); Kill the two (2)A Burly Gnoll first, then fight Clan Chief Vel`tix down until he surrenders (at about 50%);
  • Now follow along with Clan Chief Vel`tix (say, "Gnarls" and "Terrible Things") and he will give you Vel`tix's Key (No Trade, Weight 0.5) (task update);
  • Head back down to the base of the waterfall, then go east up a tunnel until you come to a door guarded by two (2) A Burly Gnolls. Kill them and then unlock the door they were guarding, with the Vel`tix's Key (task update);
  • Inside the door up ahead, is a side room where you will find Gnarl Sawbones Brankt (Level 81); You need to kill him. He can hit over 2K and has a 2K DoT with a 40% snare component (task update);
  • Once he is dead, it causes a good number of A Gnarl Legionnaire (Level 79, undead) to spawn.... and they are coming your way! FLEE as quickly and in anyway possible, or you are likely dead (but don't worry, you don't loose the mission if this happens).


23) OCEANGREEN HILLS: Head back to Raxtor Darkpaw.

Give him the two (2) Blackburrow Runestone and theVel`tix's Key to complete themission, "Beat the Blackburrow Boss."

You can now claim your mission rewards, to include a Timeshear Purple Fragment Ena (Magic, Lore, Weight 0.0).

You need to hang on to this, or sell it to Tavid Dennant in the Guild Lobby (where you can buy it back later, when you actually need it).

FLAG ALERT!: You are now flagged for The Void (B)! Gratz!

SHORTCUT NOTE?: It is rumored that if you ride the coat tails of another (who has acquired the proper flagging to request this mission), that this is the only mission you need for access to The Void (B) access. However, if this does work, you are sacrificing many hidden flags and losing the reward items.




24) Now turn back to Elder Mystic Foppye and give him the Wrext Mal Sacrificial Blade (from Step 17).

He will give you the group mission, "Disrupting the Ritual."


25) OLD BLACKBURROW: DISRUPTING THE RITUAL: This is an instanced zone.

You are here to do the following:

  • Make your way down to the rope bridges area. In this area you should find High Channeler Jornlati (Level 78) and High Channeler Rezlter (Level 78); Kill them both to activate the next MOB set;
  • Head back up top; Here you should find six (6) more MOBs, specifically, Gnarl Ritualist Yoffler (Level 79), Gnarl Ritualist Zeayd (Level 79), Gnarl Ritualist Crezler (Level 79), Gnarl Ritualist Keroflir (Level 79), Gnarl Ritualist Narxa (Level 79) and Gnarl Ritualist Pelack (Level 79); You need to kill all of them (a good puller and some crowd control will come in handy);
  • After they are dead, Wrext Mal Annihilator (Level 81), who is in the same area, will now activate; you need to kill him as well... but do not slow him! (Task update.)


26) OCEANGREEN HILLS: Head back to Foppye.

Hail him to finish the mission, "Disrupting the Ritual."

You can now claim your mission rewards, to include a Timeshear Purple Fragment Fena (Magic, Lore, Weight 0.0).

You need to hang on to this, or sell it to Tavid Dennant in the Guild Lobby (where you can buy it back later, when you actually need it).




27)OCEANGREEN VILLAGE: You are looking for Apothecary Cadmael (Level 77), who is by the first building as you enter the village.

Hail him and follow along, or just try saying, "Storm," to get the group mission called, "A Corrupted Arch Priest."

NOTE: If he will not give you this task, you may need to first do his solo task (for a hidden flag), called "A Secret Hidden in Plain Sight." This task is part of another task series and is detailed here.



You are here to accomplish the following:

  • You need to kill Disease Knight Cronvair (Level 81), who is located through the north door and then to east;
  • Loot the two (2) Bertoxxulian Badge of Station (Magic, No Trade, Weight 0.1, Effect: Bertoxxulian Ward), for task step updates;
  • NOTE: Each group member should loot one of these (as you go along) and "click it" to gain zone DoT immunity;
  • You need to kill Handservant Vicco (Level 81), who is located through the north door and also to the east;
  • Loot the two (2) Bertoxxulian Badge of Station, for task step updates;
  • You need to kill Putrifier Moldows (Level 81), who has a pet and is located through the north door and to the west (library area, behind a secret bookcase door);
  • Now you can go directly north to encounter and kill Arch Priest Cronkle (Level 81) (altar area);

NOTE: This is an unconfirmed observation, but it appears that after you loot and click a Bertoxxulian Badge of Station, that you gain a permanent immunity to the zone curse ("Fog of Corruption"). Either that, or it is simply fully resistible. However, looting these items is still a required task step.


29) OCEANGREEN VILLAGE: Head back to Apothecary Cadmael.

Hail him to complete the mission, "A Corrupted Arch Priest."

You can now claim your mission rewards, to include a Timeshear Purple Fragment Azia (Magic, Lore, Weight 0.0).

You need to hang on to this, or sell it to Tavid Dennant in the Guild Lobby (you can buy it back later, when you actually need it).

FLAG ALERT!: You are now flagged to request Apothecary Cadmael's second Mission!

Again, speak and follow along with Cadmael;, or just try saying, "Storm," to get the group mission called "Remove the Head and the Disease Will Die."

Then, when your group is ready, say "Ready" to Cadmaeland you will be transported into the instance.





You are here to accomplish the following:

· Click the door to the southeast for a task update (to discover that it is locked) and to spawn the first named;

· Now make your way through the north door and to the east, to the secret room behind the book case in the library, where you should find Machinator Grengwar (Level 76).

· You need to kill him and loot the Pitted Key (Weight 0.1), which will spawn the next named;

· Now head across to the east wing, to find Prime Lector Quillok (Level 79);

· You need to kill him and loot the Rusted Key (Weight 0.1), which will spawn the next named;;

· Now head back to the locked door, click it and the door should open;

· Clear to the south area and you will encounter Scumlord (Level 82), who you also need to kill.


29) OCEANGREEN VILLAGE: Head back to Apothecary Cadmael.

Head back to Apothecary Cadmael.

Hail him to complete the mission, "A Corrupted Arch Priest."

You can now claim your mission rewards, to include a Timeshear Purple Fragment Beza (Magic, Lore, Weight 0.0).

You need to hang on to this, or sell it to Tavid Dennant in the Guild Lobby (you can buy it back later, when you actually need it).

FLAG ALERT!: You are now flagged to request Jerom Bertrand's 1st Raid!





The Bubonians are Coming! Queen Malarian Stop the Ascension

30) Now turn to Jerom Bertrand (Level 75), who is right there beside Cadmael.

NOTE: This is a 12-person raid event, but can be obtained with six (6).

Speak with Jerom and follow along, or just try saying, "Destroy them," to get the raid mission called, "The Bubonians are Coming!"

When your raid is ready, everyone in the raid needs to say "Ready" to Jerom and they will be teleported into the instanced zone.



You are here to do the following:

· First, clear south to Plaguebearer Scil (Level 72) and kill him. He has a lot of HP, but is otherwise nothing special;

· Next, head back and clear the main hallway (north) to get to and kill Plaguebearer Kalcik (Level 72) (also a lot of HP);

· This will spawn Plaguelord Musca (Level 75) in the "Ritual Chamber" (from entrance, through the north door, then through the right hall and then take the south hall);

· NOTE: Before you engage him, clear the halls/area of "Lector's Chamber" (east and north from the "Ritual Chamber"), to avoid trash adds later;

· NOTE: The real key here is DPS on Musca, as the faster you kill him, the less adds you have to deal with (they are timed). The second key is Chanter AoE Mezzes, SK AoE Aggro, charming adds for more DPS (fly adds) and stuns (AoE or single)... as adds are best dealt with in this manner, while DPS is focused on Musca;

· Pull Musca from his room to the hall just north of the zone in area (don't attack him in his room, as this will not allow you any time to deal with adds between phases of this three-phased battle); Musca will begin to summon two (2) (flys) (light blue cons at Level 85) at a time... focus DPS on Musca;

· At 70% Musca will run back to his spawn spot and start to regen;

· Finish dealing with the adds ASAP, before you attack Musca again. This time he will spawn two (2) a festering ooze(Level 72)... again, focus DPS on Musca;

· At 40% Musca will run away to "Lector's Chambers;"

· Again, finish dealing with the adds ASAP, before attacking Musca again;

· This last round, Musca will again summon adds (flys). He will also tend to "eat" two (2) of his (fly) adds to regen his own health (unfortunately, the adds instantly respawn when "eaten").

· Focus max DPS on Musca and then deal with the adds once he is dead.


32) OCEANGREEN VILLAGE: Head back to Jerom.

Hail him to complete the mission, "A Corrupted Arch Priest."

You can now claim your mission rewards, to include a Timeshear Purple Fragment Caza (Magic, Lore, Weight 0.0).

You need to hang on to this, or sell it to Tavid Dennant in the Guild Lobby (you can buy it back later, when you actually need it).


FLAG ALERT!: You are now flagged to request Jerom Bertrand's 2nd Raid!


33)OCEANGREEN HILLS: Head back to Lord Antonius Bayle.

NOTE: This is a raid for up to 54 players.

Hail him and follow along, or just try saying, "Stop," to get the raid called, "Stop the Ascension."


34) BLACKBURROW: STOP THE ASCENSION: Head to this instanced zone, by way of the normal Blackburrow zone in.

Shortly after your raid zones in, you should notice that the trash MOB's flee... basically clearing the way for your raid.

Cut and paste to your "oldblackburrow_2.txt" map file:

P -24.1117, 459.6121, -59.3958, 0, 0, 0, 3, TOTEM_1

P -373.1230, 263.1793, -187.2362, 0, 0, 0, 3, TOTEM_2

P 147.5292, 209.6015, -217.9883, 0, 0, 0, 3, TOTEM_3

P -346.9948, 125.7934, -157.3656, 0, 0, 0, 3, TOTEM_4

P -620.3417, 26.8387, -72.1085, 0, 0, 0, 3, TOTEM_5

P -589.4578, -39.6214, -146.3871, 0, 0, 0, 3, TOTEM_6

P -405.1627, -72.2838, -174.4497, 0, 0, 0, 3, TOTEM_7

(Still need 8th Totem location)


35) First up you need to find and kill A Wrext Mal Martyr (Level 82).

You will find him down at the first bridge, in the tunnels.

However, before you kill him, you may want to set up (assign) "teams" of 5 to 8 players for each Renewal Totem (Level 70) location, first (see next step). This way, you can avoid adds and confusion, because once you kill this MOB, the raid will be on a 20-minute timer!

Understand that more than about 8 players at one Totem will spawn adds. Even worse, if anyone gets in aggro range of a Totem, if they try to leave that "range," they too will spawn adds. Thus, the importance of knowing where to go and then staying there.


36) The raid is now on a 20-Minute timer.

Eight renewal totems spawn around the area at the base of the waterfall, each of which surrounded by three (3) gnolls, one of which is A Wrext Mal Mundunugu (Level 80 to 82).

Each "team" needs to kill all but the Mundunugu, ASAP. Once done, all teams need to kill their Mundunugu at the same time... all eight (8) of them must die at generally the same time, before the 20-minute timer is up.

Fail and the raid is over. Succeed and the raid continues (without any more timers).


37) Near the waterfall, you can now go in the door there (it is now unlocked) and go inside for another update.


38) When ready, continue up this direction to find Rottrued the Twisted (Level 84).

You need to kill him. He can hit for up to 13K, has both single target and AoE Rampage, enrages, casts "Chaotic Feedback" (2K to 15K DD), "Explosion" (AoE, -350 Fire, 1-second stun, 12.5K DD) and he can also heal himself for between 10K to 100K (spell he uses is called "Chaotic Recovery").


39) Once Rottrued is dead, head further in until you encounter A Hidden Agent (Level 87).

The Agent will attack for a short time before it emotes and flees (you will not have to kill him, just survive until he flees).

Once he flees, A Chest (Level 70) will spawn with loot in it!


40) OCEANGREEN HILLS: Head back to Lord Antonius Bayle.

Hail him to finish this raid.

Finishing this raid will "unlock" some items, to include some Rank IIIspells, in The Void (sold by Zebuxoruk).


41) OCEANGREEN VILLAGE: Head back to Jerom.

NOTE: This is a raid event for up to 54-players.

Hail him and follow along, or just try saying, "Source" to get the raid referred to as "Queen Malarian."

When ready, raid members can say "Show" to Jerom to get teleported into the instance.


42) TEMPLE OF BERTOXXULOUS: QUEEN MALARIAN: This raid is a straight forward kill.

Queen Malarian (Level 90) can hit for 13K, AoE Rampages and enrages.

During the event, matters are complicated by A Plague Spirit (Level 80), that will wander about and casting a silence/blind on players. It appears that the Spirit cannot be attacked.

During the battle, about every 60 seconds, a wave of (how many?) A Tsetsian Maggot (Level 84) will spawn. They can hit for 1.2K and cast a 1K Mana/HP Drain. These are easily killed with fire based spells.

Also during the battle will emote before she casts one of her spells, so setting up voice triggers would be a good idea.

The emotes and spells are:

· "Queen Malarian anchors her feet to the ground and prepares to unleash a wave of burning acid." This means she's about can an AoE called "Smoldering Acid." This spell is -700 Poison with a range of 80. It is an 18K nuke, so casters need to stay back.

· The other spell is called "Wave of Infestation" and it can be pretty detrimental. Not only is it not resistible, but it's an AoE with a range of 30, -8 to the Corruption Counter and is a 7K Nuke. Even worse, each player that gets hit with this spell results in A Tsetsian Plaguespreader (Level 85) also spawning. These MOB's can hit for 4K and enrage, making this spell a big issue.

· The emote for this spell depends on if you are the target or not. If you are the target, you will see, "You see the queen glare at you, aiming her sickening ball of fluids at you." Otherwise, you will see, "Queen Malarian begins to exude diseased fluids and takes careful aim at (player name)!"

So, in short, the basic strategy will center on DPS to the Queen, nuking the Maggots ASAP when they spawn, having voice triggers set up, have players targeted for the "Wave of Infestation" back away from the main raid ASAP (get away so the 30-range of the spell does not hit others as well, with the goal of reducing adds/deaths) and try to keep the silence cured on casters/healers.

One strategy I saw was to cast AoE Translocation, so that players targeted for "Wave of Infestation" can translocate out and then run back (campfires, banners, binds... outside the instance).

When the Queen dies, A Maggot Covered Chest (Level 70) will span with the loot inside.

Finishing this raid will "unlock" some items, to include some Rank IIIspells, in The Void (sold by Zebuxoruk).

If you have finished this raid and the Blackburrow raid (Stop the Ascension), you will have also "unlocked" additional Rank III spells, to include a Paladin spell.

This completes the "Oceangreen Theme!"


If you note any errors, misspellings, item name errors, misinformation or anything that needs addressing on this page -- PLEASE let me know via an in-game EQ Message (Bonzz on the Bertoxxulousserver), or post on Bonzz's Discord Server!


This Page Last updated October 27, 2022

This fan site is created and providedfree(uncompensated, no ads, no sponsors, no registration / log-in), by Bonzz of Bertoxxulous.

Images / graphics / sounds on this web site are in-game (EverQuest) captures, originatefrom Sony / Darkpaw / Daybreak Games (EverQuest) and / or with permission from others (if any). Some graphics may be modified (re-sized, cropped, etc.) from their original form.

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