Aquafaba Swiss Buttercream Recipe - Gretchen's Vegan Bakery (2024)


More commonly known in my bakery as the adult buttercream

Aquafaba Swiss Meringue Buttercream is so silky and smooth with just the right amount of sweetness!

Aquafaba Swiss Buttercream Recipe - Gretchen's Vegan Bakery (1)

Made from the whipped up water from a can of chickpeas also known as aquafaba

You can magically mimic the egg white meringue from our past lives!

Aquafaba Swiss Buttercream Recipe - Gretchen's Vegan Bakery (2)

Due to it’s composition of carbohydrates and a good amount of protein that has leached from the beans into the water during cooking

Aquafaba is a magical ingredient that makes a beautiful silky smooth Swiss meringue buttercream!

Aquafaba Swiss Buttercream Recipe - Gretchen's Vegan Bakery (3)

Notes for Success:

I rarely use shortening anymore and simply replace that quantity listed below with more vegan butter

My preference for vegan butter is Earth Balance since it has the lowest moisture content of all the vegan butters. *not sponsored

Low moisture content in your vegan butter is the key to success in any buttercream recipe

If you have ever experienced a curdled “broken” buttercream this is from the off balance of moisture in the recipe causing the emulsion to become over-saturated and thus curdled.

Be sure to click through to see how to save a failed buttercream!

Aquafaba Swiss Buttercream Recipe - Gretchen's Vegan Bakery (4)

If you are boiling your own beans instead of using canned, first rinse them well, then soak 2 cups of beans in 4-5 cups of filtered water for at least 12 hours preferably overnight.

Then the next day you will drain the soaking water, rinse the beans well and replace with clean fresh water for the boiling process.

Another 4 cups of fresh filtered water to the rehydrated beans gets cooked through to fork tender (about 35-45 minutes)

You will get about 2-3 cups of magical bean water that we used to throw down the sink!

Reserve that golden aquafaba and cool it to room temperature, then store it for up to 1 week in the refrigerator or up to 2 months in the freezer.

If the chick pea water seems too thin just keep boiling it and it will reduce down and thicken more.

The more concentrated the AF is to start the firmer and stronger your meringue will be.


Aquafaba Swiss Buttercream Recipe - Gretchen's Vegan Bakery (5)

Let’s Talk About Vegan Butter

Low moisture content is the key to success in any buttercream recipe!

I am partial to Earth Balance vegan butter *not sponsored

Although It is quite pricey at close to $5 per pound, it is the most stable in buttercream recipes since it has the lowest moisture content of all the vegan butters

Earth Balance will also firm up upon refrigeration which is the one thing that other vegan butters typically will not do!

That said I do use cheaper vegan butter when I cannot find or afford the Earth Balance brand.

So just be sure to do some trials and errors until you find the vegan butter that has the lowest moisture content, unfortunately this is not something that is listed on a label!

The addition of butter flavor is optional but because vegan butter is usually tasteless, I find the addition to be essential!

If you do use it, do so sparingly as it can give an off taste if you use too much.

I find the Olive Nation brand to be the best, and they offer a 20% discount on anything you order!

Use Discount Code GVB20 at checkout

Aquafaba Swiss Buttercream Recipe - Gretchen's Vegan Bakery (6)

Since the development of this recipe back in 2015 I have now been leaving out the shortening altogether

Simply by replacing it with more vegan butter!

Shortening does nothing more than stabilize the buttercream for cakes that are to be displayed in hot climates or transporting long distances

And since I do not do this anymore, I find the all vegan butter version to be just great!

If you do need to use shortening be sure to use a Hi Ratio Cake Shortening like Sweetex brand is the best

For more vegan buttercream recipes click the links below!

Chocolate Buttercream
Mocha Buttercream
Italian Meringue Buttercream

Chocolate Buttercream Recipe

Vegan Buttercream Recipe ~ Mocha Buttercream

Aquafaba Italian Meringue Buttercream Recipe

Yield: 6 cups

Aquafaba Swiss Buttercream Recipe

Aquafaba Swiss Buttercream Recipe - Gretchen's Vegan Bakery (10)

All canned chickpeas vary from brand to brand but I find that most canned will give about 3/4 cup of liquid aquafaba See notes above for cooking your own chickpeas

Prep Time30 minutes

Total Time30 minutes


  • Aquafaba Liquid 1 ½ cup (360ml)
  • Granulated Sugar ½ cup (100g)
  • Vanilla Extract 2 teaspoons (10ml)
  • Butter Extract 1 teaspoon (5ml)
  • Confectioners Sugar 2 cups (240g)
  • Cream of Tartar ½ teaspoon *optional
  • Vegan Butter 4 sticks (2 cups) (454g)


  1. First reduce the aquafaba in a sauce pot by bringing to a full boil then reduce heat and simmer for about 15-30 minutes until reduced to 3/4 cup or 1 cup
  2. Add the sugar to dissolve then cool to about 100°F
  3. Transfer to a stand mixer bowl with the balloon whip attachment and add the cream of tartar
  4. A hand beater will work but it will take a very long time and some have reported burning out their hand mixer motor!
  5. Whip on high speed until it is thick and glossy and has firm peaks
  6. A the sifted confectioners sugar and whip until it is all incorporated
  7. Add the softened vegan butter about ¼ cup at a time and continue whipping on high speed to a smooth emulsion
  8. Add the butter extract and the vanilla bean paste or extract last


Buttercream can be stored for 2 days at room temperature in an airtight container or in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.

Bring it to room temperature for several hours then re whip back to smooth consistency

Aquafaba Swiss Buttercream Recipe - Gretchen's Vegan Bakery (2024)


What if I put too much liquid in my Swiss meringue buttercream? ›

So, whether your buttercream is a veritable soup or just a touch runny, the answer is to cool it down. If the buttercream is thin enough to run off a spoon, refrigerate the whole bowl for 20 minutes, just until the frosting begins to harden around the edges.

Why is my Swiss Meringue Buttercream not whipping up? ›

Swiss Meringue Buttercream Success Secrets: Separate your egg whites from the yolks and make sure there are no yolks in the whites. Since SMBC is meringue based, yolks (a fat) can quickly stop a meringue from not forming its stiff glossy peaks as required.

Why is my vegan buttercream grainy? ›

That's right - you NEED the vegan butter to be room temperature before you start working with it. If you've ever made vegan buttercream and it's split or gone grainy, this is most likely the reason why. Get it nice and soft, then whack your vegan butter in the stand mixer and beat like crazy until smooth.

How do you fix soupy and curdled Swiss meringue buttercream? ›

Both issues can be fixed either chilling or gently heating the buttercream. A slightly softened yet cool butter will bring the buttercream together and give it smooth texture for frosting cakes. Frosting with Swiss meringue buttercream gives a super smooth finish and sharp piping.

What to do if Swiss meringue won't stiffen? ›

In a KitchenAid mixer, it usually takes about 20-25 minutes to make a good, stiff meringue from start to finish. If you're at the 20-minute mark and the meringue still isn't at stiff peaks, check your temperature. Is it hot and humid in your kitchen? Then a 15-20 minute meringue timeout in the fridge will help!

What happens if you add butter too early to Swiss meringue buttercream? ›

Why is my Swiss Meringue Buttercream Soupy? This is usually due to the mixture being too warm or adding the butter before the meringue has fully cooled down. Thankfully, it is easy to fix. Refrigerate the bowl for 15-20 minutes then continue mixing until the frosting thickens.

Can I add powdered sugar to my Swiss meringue buttercream? ›

*Pro tip: If you love the texture and taste of Swiss meringue buttercream but want it a bit sweeter, add ½ -¾ cup of sifted confectioners sugar after the butter is fully mixed in.

Can you use cream of tartar in Swiss meringue buttercream? ›

If you haven't made a Swiss meringue before, the process is simple. Combine egg whites, toasted sugar, cream of tartar, salt, and vanilla seeds in a double boiler, and cook, stirring constantly with a flexible spatula. For this recipe, you'll take the mixture to about 185°F (85°C) to make sure it's fully cooked.

Why is my vegan buttercream runny? ›

If you're not adding enough sugar, your buttercream won't be stable enough to hold its shape for long. If you're adding a little plant-based milk to thin the buttercream when frosting a cake, you might be adding too much of it, again, making it too unstable.

How to fix runny vegan buttercream? ›

If the frosting seems too thick, you can add more milk, 1 tablespoon at a time. If the frosting is too thin and runny, simply add more powdered sugar, 1/2 cup at a time until the desired consistency is reached. Pipe onto cupcakes, spread on a cake or anywhere else you'd like. Enjoy!

Why does my Swiss meringue buttercream look like cottage cheese? ›

If the buttercream splits and looks curdled, like cottage cheese, it means the mixture didn't emulsify because the temperature of the butter was either too cold or the meringue was still too warm. There's a few different ways to fix this: Remove a few spoonfuls of the buttercream and place it in a heat safe bowl.

Can you overcook Swiss meringue buttercream? ›

If the heat is too high, you're going to overcook your egg whites and have scrambled egg buttercream! – Whip your meringue to stiff peaks. If your meringue is too soft, it's not going to be as stable and hold it's shape as well.

How to fix runny meringue? ›

Fixing runny meringue is usually as simple as whisking more air into the mixture and waiting for it to develop stiff peaks. You can also add another egg white or a teaspoon of cornstarch to get the mix to the consistency you need.

How do you thicken meringue frosting? ›

If you've made a meringue-based buttercream, like Swiss, Italian, or French, you can thicken it slightly by adding a bit more butter, but a lot of the time chilling it down for a bit so that the existing butter in the recipe can firm up is all it takes to thicken.

What happens if you add too much milk to buttercream? ›

Liquids in Moderation: When using liquid ingredients like milk, cream, extract, food coloring etc. it's essential to add them in moderation. Too much liquid can lead to a runny frosting disaster. Begin with a small amount, and gradually increase if needed.


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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.