131 Celestial Space-Themed Names for Cats (with Meanings!) - Whiskers Magoo (2024)

  • Last updated: December 1, 2023

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Are you looking for some out-of-this-world cat name inspiration? You’ve come to the right place! From stars and constellations to moons, planets, astronomy references, and much more check out over 130 celestial and space-themed names for cats below. Enjoy!

131 Celestial and Space-Themed Names for Cats

  1. Alpha – After the star, Alpha Centauri.
  2. Altair – The name of a star.
  3. Alya – The name of a star.
  4. Andromeda – Galaxy name.
  5. Anthe – A moon of Saturn.
  6. Apollo – After NASA’s Apollo program.
  7. Aquila – The name of a constellation on the celestial equator.
  8. Ariel – The name of one of Uranus’ moons.
  9. Aries – The name of a zodiac constellation.
  10. Armstrong – As in Neil Armstrong, the first person to walk on the moon.
  11. Artemis – In Greek mythology, Artemis is the goddess of the moon.
  12. Astro – A term relating to outer space, the stars or celestial objects.
  13. Atlas – The inner moon of Saturn.
  14. Aurora – The Latin name for “dawn”, also the name for the Northern Lights is “aurora borealis” and the name for the Southern Lights is “aurora australis”.
  15. Badar – The name of a satellite.
  16. Bellatrix – The name of one of the stars in Orion.
  17. Bianca – The name of one of Uranus’ moons.
  18. Buzz – As in Buzz Aldrin, a famous former astronaut.
  19. Caelum – A faint constellation in the Southern sky.
  20. Callisto – The name of Jupiter’s second-largest moon.
  21. Calypso – A moon of Saturn.
  22. Carina – The name of a constellation.
  23. Carpo – A moon of Jupiter.
  24. Castor – The name of a bright star in the constellation of Gemini.
  25. Celeste – Meaning “heavenly” in Latin, Celeste refers to the night sky.
  26. Celestia – A variation of Celeste.
  27. Ciro – Italian variation of “Cyrus”, meaning “Sun”.
  28. Clementine – The name of the first U.S. spacecraft launched to the moon.
  29. Cloud – This one is self-explanatory!
  30. Comet – A celestial object consisting of a nucleus of ice and dust, and when near the Sun, a ‘tail’ of gas and dust particles.
  31. Cosmo – relating to the world or the universe.
  32. Cordelia – The name of one of Uranus’ moons.
  33. Cupid – The name of one of Uranus’ moons.
  34. Cressida – Another name for one of Uranus’ moons.
  35. Cygni – A binary star system in the constellation of Cygnus.
  36. Danica – A girls’ name of Slavic and Latin origin meaning “morning star”.
  37. DaVinci – After Leonardo DaVinci, also the name of NASA space mission.
  38. Dawn – As in first light – also the name of a NASA spacecraft.
  39. Dia – One of Jupiter’s moons.
  40. Dipper – As in “the Big Dipper” and the “Little Dipper”, constellations.
  41. Draco – The name of a constellation.
  42. Dragonfly – The name of a NASA spacecraft.
  43. Eclipse – The total or partial obscuring of one celestial body by another.
  44. Elara – The eighth-largest moon of Jupiter.
  45. Electra – The name of a European satellite.
  46. Elio – An Italian and Spanish name derived from the Greek god of the Sun, Helios.
  47. Eros – The first asteroid ever studied from orbit.
  48. Estée – A variation of “Estelle” or “Esther”, meaning “star”.
  49. Estela – A Spanish name meaning “star”.
  50. Europa – A moon of Jupiter.
  51. Flare – As in “solar flare”, a sudden explosion of energy.
  52. Galaxy – A system of millions or billions of stars, together with gas and dust, held together by gravitational attraction.
  53. Galileo – A famous Italian astronomer.
  54. Gamma – As in Gamma-ray.
  55. Garnet – A zodiac gemstone.
  56. Gemini – A zodiac constellation.
  57. Genesis – The name of a NASA spacecraft.
  58. Hadar – The second brightest star in the southern constellation, Centaurus.
  59. Haedi – A constellation.
  60. Halley – As in Halley’s comet.
  61. Hercules – The name of a constellation.
  62. Herschel – After William Herschel, a famous German-British astronomer.
  63. Hubble – A famous space telescope.
  64. Hydra – The largest of 88 modern constellations.
  65. Indus – The name of a constellation in the southern sky.
  66. Janus – A moon of Saturn.
  67. Juno – The name of a NASA space probe orbiting Jupiter. Also means “queen of the heavens” in Latin.
  68. Jupiter – The fifth planet from the Sun.
  69. Leo – Is a constellation and a zodiac sign.
  70. Libra – A zodiac constellation.
  71. Luna – Latin for “moon”.
  72. Lunar – Refers to the moon.
  73. Lynx – The name of a sub-orbital, rocket-powered spaceplane.
  74. Lyra – The name of the lyre-shaped constellation within Orpheus.
  75. Mars – The fourth planet from the Sun.
  76. Mercury – The smallest planet in our solar system.
  77. Meteor – A small body of matter from outer space that enters the earth’s atmosphere.
  78. Milky – As in the Milky Way, the name of the galaxy that includes our solar system.
  79. Mimosa – The name of a constellation.
  80. Miranda – The name of one of Uranus’ moons.
  81. Moon – This one is self-explanatory!
  82. Narvi – A moon of Saturn.
  83. Nebula – An astronomy term referring to a cloud of gas and dust in outer space.
  84. Neptune – Is the eighth and farthest-known solar planet from the Sun.
  85. Neutron – As in neutron star, a collapsed core of a massive supergiant star.
  86. Norma – The name of a small constellation in the Southern Celestial Hemisphere.
  87. Nova – Refers to a transient astronomical event that causes the sudden appearance of a bright, apparently “new” star, that slowly fades over a few weeks/months.
  88. Oberon – The second-largest moon of Uranus.
  89. Ophelia – The name of one of Uranus’ moons.
  90. Orbit – Refers to the curved path of a celestial object.
  91. Orion – One of the most recognizable constellations.
  92. Orpheus– The name of an asteroid and a space telescope.
  93. Ozone – As in the Ozone Layer, a “shield” of Ozone in Earth’s stratosphere that absorbs most of the Sun’s ultraviolet radiation.
  94. Pandora – The name of one of Saturn’s moons.
  95. Pegasus – the name of a constellation in the northern sky.
  96. Peggy – A moon of Saturn.
  97. Perseus – the name of a constellation in the northern sky.
  98. Phoebe – The name of one of Saturn’s moons.
  99. Phobos – A moon of Mars.
  100. Phoenix – The name of a constellation in the southern sky.
  101. Pisces – A constellation of the zodiac.
  102. Pluto – The ninth planet from the Sun.
  103. Polaris – Also known as the North Star.
  104. Pollux – A bright star in the constellation of Gemini.
  105. Portia – The name of one of Uranus’ moons.
  106. Rigel – Also known as Beta Orionis, one of the brightest stars in the sky.
  107. Rocket – As in rocket ship.
  108. Rover – As in “Mars rover”.
  109. Roxana – A Persian name meaning “dawn” or “little star”.
  110. Samson – A Hebrew name meaning “Sun”.
  111. Saturn – The sixth planet from the Sun.
  112. Selene – The goddess of the moon in Greek mythology.
  113. Sirius – The name of the brightest star in the sky.
  114. Sky – This one is self-explanatory!
  115. Styx – A moon of Pluto.
  116. Sol – Meaning Sun.
  117. Soleil – Refers to the Sun.
  118. Star – This one is self-explanatory!
  119. Stella – A female name of Latin and Italian origin, meaning “star”.
  120. Sun – The star around which earth orbits.
  121. Talitha – The name of a constellation.
  122. Taurus – A zodiac constellation.
  123. Titania – The largest of the moons of Uranus.
  124. Umbriel – A moon of Uranus.
  125. Ulysses – The name of a space mission and spacecraft.
  126. Ursa – The name of two major constellations, “Ursa Major” (the Big Dipper) and “Ursa Minor” (the Little Dipper).
  127. Vega – The name of a star in the constellation of Lyra.
  128. Venus – The second planet from the Sun.
  129. Virgo – A zodiac constellation.
  130. Zaniah – The name of a star in the constellation of Lyra.
  131. Zora – A Persian name meaning “dawn”.

Cute Space-Themed Cat Accessories

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131 Celestial Space-Themed Names for Cats (with Meanings!) - Whiskers Magoo (5)

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131 Celestial Space-Themed Names for Cats (with Meanings!) - Whiskers Magoo (2024)


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